It's Been a Long Time

… I shouldn’t have left you (without a dope beat to step to LOL). Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. As soon as I started typing the title, the song came to my head.

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Where have we been? What have we been up to?

Well… You know how life happens and you lose touch with people for a little while? That’s exactly what happened. We had weddings and special events to plan and execute. We had bridal shows to produce. We also moved our office to a new location (that was bittersweet… I loved our studio in Hatboro). Trilogy Event Design is now operating from 610 Old York Rd in Jenkintown. We also have the flexibility to meet with our clients and creative partners in other locations, like Center City Philadelphia, NJ, and DE. That’s pretty damn convenient!

Now with the COVID-19 Pandemic looming over us like an eerie demonic spirit, the Trilogy Event Design team is working remotely (safe at home). We are building a stronger business foundation so we can withstand the long-term impact of this worldwide crisis. We are testing out new systems and processes to continue to provide our clients with high-class event management services. We have reengaged our email newsletter. And now we are giving this blog a little jumpstart.

In the midst of all of this, we continue to update our social media pages several times a week. We are spotlighting our community of creative professionals. We are showcasing recent weddings and events. We are providing tips and resources for all who follow us. If you are not already a follower, please do so right now… on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

If you need any assistance with your wedding/special event plans, we are here for you. Take a look at our calendar to schedule a free 30-minute call with us. Our clients have said they feel much less overwhelmed and anxious afterwards.

As always, I leave you with Glitter Wishes & Unicorn Kisses! Stay well.